Harambee! Be a Global Uplifter: Uplift Yourself, Uplift Your Nation!

Kenya, the land of vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and resilient people, is poised to take a giant leap forward. The Kenya Global Uplifting Campaign, a movement designed to empower Kenyans and propel the nation towards a brighter future, is set to take center stage at the Kempinski Hotel on **June 5th, 2024**. This is yourContinue reading ”  Harambee! Be a Global Uplifter: Uplift Yourself, Uplift Your Nation!”


##  Global Uplifters: Changing Lives One Orphanage at a Time Across the vast and vibrant continent of Africa, millions of children face the heartbreaking reality of losing their parents. These vulnerable youngsters, often referred to as orphans, find themselves in desperate need of love, care, and a safe haven to call home.  This is whereContinue reading “FUNDING ORPHANAGES ACROSS AFRICA”

Global Uplifters Mega Campaign

Title: Uniting for Good: The Global Uplifters Mega Campaign in Uganda In a world often filled with stories of strife and struggle, there are shining beacons of hope, individuals who dedicate their lives to making a difference. On May 25th, 2024, Uganda will become the epicenter of one such extraordinary event – the Global UpliftersContinue reading “Global Uplifters Mega Campaign”